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Today there will be a Full tutorial guide on How To Install Android Studio on PC as we have seen that many people are getting problems in installing the Android Studio and today we will be guiding and helping you.
And yes If you haven’t read our blog on What Is Android Studio? then clickhere. After reading it which will take around 2-3 minutes you will be able to understand Android Studio and it’s uses, and do check out our other blogs too.
Let’s Begin….
Downloading Android Studio
1. First of all, you have to download the Android Studio file.
2. Go to your browser and visit www.google.com and then in the search box type “download android studio” and then click search.
3. Open the official link of google android developers and you will see an option to download the Android Studio, click on it and the Android Studio file will start downloading.
4. Wait till the time the Android Studio file download as it’s a big file of around 927 MB.
5. You can also download the file in option in mobile by clicking on the other download option file and after the downloading is complete, you can transfer the respective file to your PC.
1. After you have downloaded the setup file, now we will install the Android Studio setup file.
2. For that right click on the setup file and click on Run As Administrator and give the permission by clicking on yes to install the Android Studio Setup.
3. The setup file of Android Studio will start installing and it may take some time may be up to 10 minutes.
4. After the setup is installed, it will open automatically and it will seek some permissions to move forward, so click on the permissions that it asks. Also look the pictures below for clear understanding.
5. After all the hustle, you will be asked to download some files and after downloading the files which will be around a GB.
6. Now the only thing left is creating the JDK path.
7. To create JDK path clickhere and we will soon update a post.
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